About the Book

Teachers’ Low Pay … What A Shame for America!

Why should the United States take a back seat to Switzerland, Luxembourg, and five other countries, in terms of teacher pay?  That’s the key question raised in this book.

The author – a self-appointed cheerleader for public education and a self-proclaimed super-fan of American democracy – suggests that America should plant a stake on the ground, abandon seventh place in teacher pay rankings, then lead the world in setting a bold and daring new standard:  $100,000 as the BEGINNING PAY per year for K-12 teachers in the U.S.A., supported by federal funding.

Why?  To truly professionalize the craft of teaching in America … to invite the best and the brightest teachers from the rest of the world to teach in the U.S.A., and to make America the oasis for learning which could only lead to innovation and advances in a variety of disciplines.  The author contends there are federal dollars to be found … but only if there is political will.

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