

Advisor to School Boards

Regain … Attain … Maintain your status as an effective school board!

Problem for School Boards

They may have done a self-evaluation, but many school boards have not had an INDEPENDENT examination or measurement of their effectiveness as governing bodies.  If your school board is in this category, how does your school board strive for improved performance if you have not determined –independently – at what level of effectiveness your school board currently is?  “What you don’t measure, you cannot improve!”

Proposed Solution

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure! Helping school boards maximize their effectiveness is the idea behind Rolland B’s School Board Governance Audit #901.  Governance Audit #901 is not legally required, but it is dictated by sound business management and proactive board governance.  Governance Audit #901 is a proprietary audit program which is:

  • A multi-point test of how well a school board measures up to the five effectiveness standards contained in NSBA’s THE KEY WORK OF SCHOOL BOARDS guide book, 2015, 3rd edition.
  • An independent examination – better than a self-assessment – of a school board’s governance affairs.
  • Equivalent to a regular physical or health check-up done by a physician; here, the check-up and diagnosis will be done by a retired CPA with expertise in school district audits.
  • An actual “audit” – which means an assessment done through entrance conference, audit questionnaires, examination of relevant documents, interviews of relevant parties, audit tests, confirmations, correspondence with outside agencies, presentation of DRAFT findings at exit conference, opportunity for the school board to respond to DRAFT findings, and presentation of FINAL REPORT with prescriptions for action.

On the strength of his specialized CPA background and his varied professional experience, Rolland B is uniquely qualified to conduct Governance Audit #901 – otherwise called R-A-M program – to produce a result designed to help your school board Regain, Attain, and Maintain your status as an effective governing body

Benefits of Rolland B’s R-A-M Program or Audit #901:

You would get an evidence-based written report showing:

  • How well or how poorly your school board measures up to effective school board governance standards.
  • Your strengths, weaknesses, and deficiencies, if any, on matters of governance.
  • Actionable steps and/or written prescriptions for improvement on matters of governance.
  • The good, the bad, and the ugly, if any, on matters of board-superintendent relationships and board member-to board member relationships

With highly improved effectiveness

  • You increase your chances of success in achieving your district’s goals and objectives.
  • School board service would likely become more satisfying and more enjoyable.

Bottom line, you would get a written report telling you whether or not your school board has devoted time, energy, and resources on those matters that matter most.

Consulting Inquiries